Everyone knows you can get free miles or rewards with several major credit cards. But did you know you can also get free stuff from things you use every day?
When my son was still in diapers, I collected rewards from some popular diaper brands like Pampers and Huggies. We got some great things like baby toys and other essential baby products. They even have some goodies for mom and dad to enjoy.
Also check out the packaging on frozen dinners like Lean Cuisine, Healthy Choice, and other pre-packaged foods like Kelloggs cereal, snacks, and Pop-tarts. And these rewards are not just on foods.
Check out the boxes!
Most products that offer rewards mention it somewhere on the box. All you need to do is sign up on their websites and enter the codes found inside the specially marked boxes. The more codes you collect, the better your chances of getting more expensive stuff for free! I have even had my friends and family save their boxes for me for even more opportunities. Many of these programs are for a limited time so make sure you check the dates and cash in before the promotions expire.
Here are some cool rewards I have gotten from Lean Cuisine and Healthy Choice:
Free Massage? Why yes please! |
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